General Info
BSA Troop 174 is an active troop and we camp every month of the school year. Exceptions are December when we’re off for the holidays, and February when the Troop takes our ski trip to Colorado. Scouts should attend hikes to learn skills and to advance in rank. The scouts will be asked to sign up for the hike at the regular meeting before the hike (signup for adults occurs then as well), and this information will be used to purchase food for the hike. Directions appear under the Hike Directions pulldown menu on this site, and in the Calendar by clicking the map link in each Hike event.
If a scout needs transportation to/from a hike, he should make arrangements to obtain a ride. Checking with someone in his patrol is usually a good idea. Please call the patrol leader if a ride cannot be found. Generally, scouts arrive at the hike site between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM Friday night, and the bus crew prepares Friday evening’s dinner for the scouts and adults.
2024-2025 Hikes
- September: High Ropes Adventure, Team building, Iron Chef, Scout Skills, Eagle Creek Park (27th-29th)
- October: Scout Skills and First Aid, Camp Carl (25th-27th)
- November: Knobstone Trail Hike, Delaney Creek Park (15th-17th)
- January: Tobogganing, Pokagon State Park (24th-27th)
- February: High Adventure Ski Trip, Winter Park, CO (13th-17th)
- March: Orienteering, Camp Moneto (14th-16th)
- April: Remote Backpacking, tbd (11th-13th)
- May: Canoeing, Haimbaugh Round Barn (9th-11th)
Suggested Equipment List
Backpacking Hike: Group Patrol Equipment including rain fly, water filtration, cathole shovel, stoves, cooking gear and food will be coordinated by the patrol leader.
General Equipment List
- Rain gear
- Hiking boots or similar
- Folding chair
- (2) pairs of socks, preferably wool or “Smart Wool”
- (1) long sleeve shirt
- (1) short sleeve shirt
- (2) pair long pants or jeans
- (2) pair underwear
- (2) undershirts
- Jacket or coat for cool nights
- Sweatshirt or flannel shirt
- Sleeping clothes (see note below)
- Sleeping bag and ground pad
- Knife, fork, spoon and cup
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Wash cloth, hand towel and soap
- Personal water container (liter or less)
- Flashlight with extra batteries
Winter Equipment List
- Extra stocking hat
- Extra long underwear
- 2 pairs extra wool socks
- Toilet kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, partial roll of TP, stored in ziplock bag)
- Sleep kit (long underwear or flannel pajamas, knit cap, wool socks all stored in ziplock bags)
- Watch (required for all Patrol Leaders)
- BSA handbook / merit badge books, as needed for advancement
- 50’ parachute type nylon cord
- Cold weather sleeping bag
- Extra warmup sleep gear (wool blanket, extra outer sleeping bag, etc)
- 6’ x 8’ reflective groundcloth to go under sleeping bag
- Closed cell foam pad or thermarest or blankets
- Long underwear
- Warm shirt (wool, synthetic wool or heavy non-cotton)
- Mid-weight under layer (sweater, polar fleece top)
- Snow pants or wool “scout type” pants
- Winter weight jacket
- Inner sock (polypro, thin poly socks)
- Outer sock (wool, smart wool)
- Lightweight inner glove
- Outer cold weather mitten
- Warm hat (wool, polar fleece) (full face ski mask is good)
- Winter boots
- Pocketknife
- Raingear/windbreaker/snowsuit
- Water bottle
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Matches
- Compass
- Sun protection (chapstick, sunglasses)
- 2 pairs of extra gloves (extra thin inner glove + extra outer glove or mitten)
Backpacking Equipment List
In ADDITION to the General Equipment List:
- Backpack
- Make sure weight is fully transferred to the waist belt
- Have some extra space for patrol gear and patrol food
- Waterproof Backpack Cover
- Recommended to put everything in waterproof stuff sacks or baggies
- Tent with waterproof footprint or plastic ground sheet
- One scout per tent
- Extra Water bottle or Hydration Bladder (carry 2L capacity)
- Light weight camp chair (optional)
- Check weather and adjust clothing as needed
- Layers. While hiking, reduce layers before you get hot and start to sweat
- Minimum one extra set of clothes and a jacket/fleece/sweatshirt for cool evenings
- One set of sleeping clothes
- Toilet kit (Partial roll of TP, stored in ziplock bag)
- 2 pairs extra wool socks (not cotton)
- Pocketknife
- Trail Map
- Compass
- Sun protection (chapstick, sunglasses, sunscreen, hat)
- Bug Spray
One of the causes of cold and chills at night is sleeping in wet clothes. We all sweat during the day and if we sleep in the same clothes we wore all day the sweat in the clothes will cause you to be cold at night. Bring a set of long underwear or sleeping clothes to be worn only at night. Cell phones and other electronic equipment is not to be brought to any hike. Any such equipment will be taken from the scout and returned at the close of the hike. Please do not bring candy or pop on the hike. Any candy or pop brought on the hike will be taken from the scout and returned at the close of the hike.