First Class Scout Candidates
Most 174 scouts will complete the First Class rank requirements during September and October as they begin their second year in the troop. Many of the first aid and camping skills need to advance to First Class are covered during the merit badges classes the scouts attend during summer camp at Camp Ransburg after their first year in the troop.
Many of the First Class skills will be reviewed during skills training that takes place on the September Hike (Weekend Campout). All First Class candidates who still need the First Class cooking requirements will cook for their patrol on the October hike, so it is important to attend this hike.
Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review for the First-Class Rank will be conducted on a weeknight (not a Monday meeting night) at IHM after the October Hike so that scouts may receive their new rank at the Tenderfoot Court of Honor in November. Scouts will sign-up for this opportunity at a troop meeting. Scouts should be familiar with first aid and map/compass use topics that they worked on at troop meetings and on hikes.
When you have completed all of the requirements for the First Class rank, arrange to meet with Scoutmaster Frank Otte and bring your scout handbook and a pen to the meeting. Please ask him to sign-off on the rank requirements in the book. Once your handbook has been signed by Mr. Otte you are free to sign up for the next Scoutmaster Conference/Board of Review event.