To speed the Merit Badge Selection process, this year the scouts can choose their classes through this online form. The Activity Schedule of available classes and times can be found here [LINK].
The other four things needed from each scout are (link to these Required Forms below)
- Signed Code of Conduct Form
- Medications form – if none needed please still fill out the form and check the “none” box).
- Medical Form C – this is the one with the passed physical. Not needed if your scout went on the 2024 ski trip, or if he took a troop physical in January – those have already been collected.
- Check made out to BSA Troop 174. This year the Earlybird fees are $465.00 for the full week.
Key Due Dates:
- A check for all registration fees (2025 early bird fee is $465) must be submitted NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MARCH 24th.
- Merit Badge class requests must be submitted NO LATER THAN MARCH 31st. If you submit Merit Badge requests after that date, some classes will already be full and you may not get the classes you want.
- All other Required Forms for Scouts and Adults are to be submitted NO LATER THAN MONDAY, APRIL 14th.
Camp Dates: Sunday, June 8 through Saturday, June 14, 2025
Please arrive at Ransburg NO LATER THAN 11:30 AM on Sunday, June 8. The troop cannot be checked in until everyone is there. If you are late, you will hold up the process for everyone else. Scouts need to be picked up Saturday morning, June 14 around 9:00 AM.
Scouts who did not complete their swim test at the Rivi with the first-year Scouts or make up an alternate test date on their own (and would like to swim at camp), need to arrive at Ransburg wearing their swim suit and with a towel. These scouts will be required to take their swim test after check-in. Parents of Scouts who did not complete the swim test at Rivi MUST stay with their son for the duration of the swim test at Ransburg and return to them to Mr. Wheeler. Scouts that have taken their swim test at Rivi will proceed to set up camp.
Camp Fees
$465 per scout**
Please make checks payable to BSA Troop 174
Submit check with other forms to Mr. Lam NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MARCH 31ST
**NOTE Some Merit Badges require the scout to purchase some items at the Trading Post. For instance, Rifle Shooting carries a fee for ammunition, Metalworking requires purchase of the metals project kit, etc. The amounts for each are listed in the “Notes and Prerequisites” column of the Activity Schedule, on ransburgbsa.org. Please send your scout to camp with enough cash for these purchases, over and above whatever spending money he will use for the week.
Camp Contact Info
- Website
- Camp Emergency Phone Number: 812-837-9423
- Camp Coordinators:
- Camp Coordinators: Carlos Lam (lamlawindy@gmail.com), Seamus Wheeler (swheeler@sgws.com)
Camp Address
Ransburg Scout Reservation: Click for Google Maps
Chipmunk Glade, Ridge 2 – Troop 174
7599 East Waldrip Creek Road
Bloomington, IN 47401
Emergency Phone only: (812) 837-9423 Fax: (812) 837-9397
For Parents
Parents Camp Sign Up
In order to provide the opportunity for our Scouts to attend Camp Ransburg, it is essential for parents of scouts attending to make a commitment to spend one to two days at camp to help supervise. This is an enjoyable time and is not a difficult duty, it just requires a couple days of your time. We expect to have a large group of scouts this year, requiring that we have at least five to six adults present at camp at all times throughout the week, maintaining a ratio of 1 adult to 8 scouts. We cannot attend camp without this commitment. When you receive the email asking the parents of attending scouts to come help, please indicate what days and overnights you can attend to help out. As you plan your calendar, please keep in mind the our greatest need is often through the middle of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), so if you can be in camp for one or more of those dates, it is especially helpful.
All prescription medications are stored at the troop’s campsite in the original container in a secure box. To facilitate the check-in process, all medications should be put in clear zip loc bag with a completed copy of the Troop 174 Medication Form inside the bag. Do not pack medications, but rather have the scout put them in his pocket. Meds are turned in to the troop leader in charge of the meds first thing Sunday during the check-in process. Meds are distributed by the troop leader in charge of the meds at appropriate times. Inhalers, EPI pens and heart medications will be kept by the Scout or leader at the discretion of the Ransburg Health Officer. FORWARD ANY DIETARY RESTRICTIONS TO CARLOS LAM BY MONDAY, APRIL 14.
Required Health Forms For Camp
Parts A, B and C are required for all scouts and adults planning to attend Camp Ransburg.
Parts A and B were completed at the beginning of the Scout Year, so it is not necessary to fill out those forms again. We will obtain a copy of that form from Troop 174 leadership.
Part C is required with Parts A and B for any event that exceeds 72 consecutive hours, a resident camp setting (such as Camp Ransburg), or when the nature of the activity is strenuous and demanding, such as service projects, work weekends, or high-adventure treks. It is to be completed and signed by a certified and licensed health-care provider—physician (MD, DO), nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant, so make your appointment now. We cannot overemphasize this enough. Every year, parents wait too long to schedule an appointment only to find that their doctors only schedule physicals on certain days, making it difficult to submit the completed Part C by the beginning of camp. You may be able to get this examination completed more quickly at an Urgent Care Center or Med Check if it becomes necessary.