Brennan Legue, Eagle Scout!
Congratulations to Troop 174’s newest Eagle Scout, Brennan Legue
Congratulations to BSA Troop 174’s newest Eagle Scouts: Thomas Hamilton Jack Whitley
From Mr. Slattery: Thanks to all the Scouts and adults who helped with tents and other gear. We got it done just in time before the rain. Back of the Bus Crew
New Troop 174 Eagle Scout! Congratulations to BSA Troop 174’s newest Eagle Scout: Sam Grogan
Congratulations to Troop 174’s newest Eagle Scouts: Matthew Marrano and Nicholas Marrano Cool trivia: we have a LARGE number of Eagles who are brothers in the same family, and this is not the first or second but the THIRD time 2 brothers have Eagled for the same Court of Honor: The Blum BrothersThe Williams Brothersand now…